Monday, April 12, 2010

How Do You Grow? Attend BLOOM

A New Study offered on Saturday's: BLOOM

Have you been thinking, "I recently asked Jesus Christ to be the leader of my life and now I'm not sure what steps to take next"? Or maybe you are wondering, "How do I develop an ongoing relationship with God?" If so, then BLOOM is just for you. BLOOM is a four week mini-series taught by Leslee O'Neal that will help you grow. The classes will be centered around:

*Sharing a relationship with God
*Experiencing His influence and His power
*Connecting to His word
*Expressing our love and His love through service

When: four-weekly classes beginning Saturday, April 24th, 6:30pm
Where: BAF
Cost: $15
Leader: Leslee O'Neal; Family Therapist, South Texas Children's Home Ministries
Contact: Leslee at

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