Sunday, September 27, 2009

It's Not Too Late

Hey gals, our new fall studies kick-off October 5th and 6th. If you didn’t get a chance to stop by the See Jane Grow table at the Expo, that’s alright registration is still open. This fall is proving to be a very exciting season among Janes.

Below are the descriptions of the three classes that will be offered. All studies are $25 for the semester and payable at the first two classes. Email me if you’d like to join us so I can order you a book. Also, childcare is provided with a reservation. If childcare is needed contact Virginia at and let her know the ages of your children.

I truly can’t wait to see what God is going to do these next six weeks!

Monday Evening, 6:30-8:30pm, BAF Element Room upstairs
Me, Myself, and Lies~A thought Closet Makeover
A study for women to encourage them to clean out the junk in their thoughts and replace these hidden negative thoughts and failures with positive truths from God’s word. Author Jennifer Rothschild shares practically and helpfully from her own life and from Scripture to show how every woman can turn her words, and her life, around for good.
Leader: Paula Powell Email here.

Tuesday Mornings, 9:45-11:45am, BAF Children’s Area
EnJOY~A Thirst-Quenching Look at Philippians
A women’s study offering an enduring biblical perspective on the meaning and source of true joy. Participants will learn that the reality of everyday life can erode the feeling of happiness – unless a foundation of joy is already in place. And such a foundation comes from seeing life through God's perspective. Author Tianne Moon leads participants in a verse-by-verse look at Philippians where they will discover keys to the joy of daily living in Jesus Christ.
Leader: Lauren Gomez Email here.

Tuesday Mornings, 9:45-11:45am, BAF Children’s Area
I'm a Fixer-Upper~A Day-by-Day Remodeling Guide
Do you feel like a fixer-upper? Are you looking for a renewed sense of self or a total spiritual makeover? If so, author Alene Snodgrass' soul-searching study is just what you need. This book will help renovate your days, transform your heart, and light-up your life as you journey with Jesus through the rooms of your home.
Leader: Alene Snodgrass Email here.

Growing Together,

See Janes Grow Coordinator

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