Spring Semester Janes
Bible Studies
Bible Studies
Saturday Evening
Study offered: BLOOM
Description: Have you been thinking, "I recently asked Jesus Christ to be the leader of my life and now I'm not sure what steps to take next"? Or maybe you are wondering, "How do I develop an ongoing relationship with God?" If so, then BLOOM is just for you. BLOOM is a four week mini-series taught by Leslee O'Neal that will help you grow. The classes will be centered around:
*Sharing a relationship with God
*Experiencing His influence and His power
*Connecting to His word
*Expressing our love and His love through service
When: four-weekly classes beginning March 20th, 6:30pm
Where: BAF
Cost: $15
Leader: Leslee O'Neal; Family Therapist, South Texas Children's Home Ministries
Contact: Leslee at loneal@stchm.org
Monday Evening
Study offered: SAVOUR-Tasting God’s Flavor in Your Personality, Passions, and Purpose
Description: In this intensive 7 week study, you will discover your unique personality, experiences, strengths, and dreams. SAVOUR leads you to a buffet of God’s purposes for your life. Imagine opening up the door to a banquet room. Immediately, you can smell the aroma of the feast that awaits you. Your mouth waters in anticipation of the incredible flavors you are about to enjoy. You will learn that your God-given purpose is fulfilled when you are Spirit-led, Adventurous, Valuable, Obedient, Unselfish, and Responsible.
Come join us and SAVOUR the best God has for your life!
When: seven INTENSIVE classes beginning March 22nd, 6:30pm
Where: BAF
Cost: $40 (this class is limited to 50)
Leader: Daphne Fine and Alene Snodgrass
Contact: Alene at alene@alenesnodgrass.com
Monday Evening & Tuesday Morning
Study offered: Vertically Inclined - Climbing Higher with God
Description: Most believers experience a life with a few highs and lows, ups and downs, and maybe an occasional mountaintop experience. But this exciting, seven-session study is especially designed to show Christian women how, by tethering themselves more securely to Him, they can climb to greater spiritual heights. As a resident of the Canadian Rockies and experienced climber herself, author Mary Kassian brings a unique understanding of the difficulties and dangers that await on any journey—and offers fascinating insights on how that parallels our spiritual path. the peaks of the Christian life.
Come fine out what it takes to push to the next level of climbing higher with God.
When: seven-weekly classes beginning Monday, March 22nd, 6:30pm and Tuesday, March 23rd, 9:45am
Where: BAF
Cost: $25
Leaders: Monday Evenings: Paula Powell, contact her at papowell@stx.rr.com
Tuesday Mornings: Gwen Trevino, contact her at gwendolyn_trevino@hotmail.com