*Sharing a relationship with God
*Experiencing His influence and His power
*Connecting to His word
*Expressing our love and His love through service
When: four-weekly classes beginning January 30th, 6:30pm
Where: BAF
Cost: Free
Leader: Leslee O'Neal; Family Therapist, South Texas Children's Home Ministries
Contact: Leslee at loneal@stchm.org
Description: Do you feel like a fixer-upper? Are you looking for a renewed sense of self or a total spiritual makeover? If so, author Alene Snodgrass' soul-searching study is just what you need. This book will help renovate your days, transform your heart, and light-up your life as you journey with Jesus through the rooms of your home.
When: six-weekly classes beginning January 18th, 6:30-8:30pm
Where: BAF Element Room upstairs
Cost: $25 for the semester
Leaders: Alene Snodgrass & Paula Powell
Contact: alene@alenesnodgrass.com
Tuesday Mornings
Study Offered: Me, Myself, and Lies~A Thought Closet Makeover
Description: A study for women to encourage them to clean out the junk in their thoughts and replace these hidden negative thoughts and failures with positive truths from God*s word. Author Jennifer Rothschild shares practically and helpfully from her own life and from Scripture to show how every woman can turn her words, and her life, around for good.
When: six-weekly classes beginning January 19th, 9:45-11:45am
Where: BAF Room TBA
Cost: $25 for the semester
Leader: Daphne Fine
Contact: seejanelead@yahoo.com
Study Offered: Interrupted~An Adventure in Relearning the Essentials of Faith
Description: Are you one of the millions who crave a new direction? Have you had enough of religious games, empty promises, and "playing" church? If so, it's time to discover what happens when Jesus interrupts an average life. Join Jen Hatmaker in a transformation that begins with one dangerous prayer, "Raise up in me a passion," and concludes with a life of service to the last, the least, the forgotten, and the forsaken. It's time for revolution. Are you ready?
When: six-weekly classes beginning January 19th, 9:45-11:45am
Where: BAF Room TBA
Cost: $25 for the semester
Leader: Lauren Gomez
Contact: laurenbgomez@gmail.com
All studies are six-weeks. Childcare is free with a reservation. For reservations contact Virginia at mrsvdwilliamson@yahoo.com.